
Lore:A Child's Tamriel Bestiary

تم إضافة ٣٬١٧٠ بايت, ٠٧:٥٨، ١٩ أبريل ٢٠١٨
Job #523: Standardize book pages
{{Lore Book
|author=[[Lore:Books by Author#Shane gro-Orath|Shane gro-Orath]] (Clever, no? Ha, ha!)
|description=A children's rhyming alphabet book
A is for {{Lore Link|Alit}}, a two-legged lizard<br>
With enough underbite to swallow a wizard

B is for {{Lore Link|Banekin}}, a mean {{Lore Link|Daedra|Daedric}} minion<br>
Whose masters are found on the {{Lore Link|planes of Oblivion}}

C is for {{Lore Link|Chaurus}}, big bug of the {{Lore Link|Skyrim|snow lands}}<br>
Don't try to pet, or he'll snip off your hands!

D is for {{Lore Link|Duneripper}}, of {{Lore Link|Alik'r|desert so deep}}<br>
It'll chomp off your legs from below as you sleep

E is for {{Lore Link|Eagle}}, so loved by the {{Lore Link|Mer|Elves}}<br>
They plaster its image all over themselves

F is for {{Lore Link|Faded Wraith}}, haunting the tomb<br>
Lurking in dark to deliver your doom

G is for {{Lore Link|Giant}}, of Skyrim I've heard<br>
He keeps Woolly {{Lore Link|Mammoth}}s, and tends to his herd

H is for {{Lore Link|Hoarvor}}, huge tick of the wood<br>
That's eager to catch you and drain all your blood!

I is for {{Lore Link|Imp}}, an obnoxious pest<br>
Who'll fry you with spells for the sake of a jest

J is for {{Lore Link|Jackal}}, who haunts {{Lore Link|Bangkorai}}<br>
With mouth at the right height to nip out your eye

K is for {{Lore Link|Kwama}}, in {{Lore Link|Morrowind}} found<br>
They live in bug tunnels far beneath the ground

L is for {{Lore Link|Lamia}}, snake-hag of the wild<br>
Who hopes she might corner a lost little child

M is for {{Lore Link|Mudcrab}}, annoyance ubiquitous<br>
Nasty, unpleasant, ugly, iniquitous

N is for {{Lore Link|Nix-Hound}}s, pack-hunting bugs<br>
{{Lore Link|Alchemy|Alchemists}} render their flesh to make {{Lore Link|drugs}}

O is for {{Lore Link|Ogre}}, whose wits are quite dim<br>
But if one should catch you, your prospects are grim

P is for {{Lore Link|Pig}}s, relatives of the {{Lore Link|Boar}}s<br>
That {{Lore Link|Bosmer|Wood Elves}} will ride instead of a {{Lore Link|horse}}

R is for {{Lore Link|Raven}}, dark {{Lore Link|Nocturnal}}'s totem<br>
I hear hers can talk, and then you can quote 'em!

S is for {{Lore Link|Spriggan}}, root, bark, and bough<br>
It hides in that thicket &mdash; it's watching you now!

T is for {{Lore Link|Thunderbug}}, vast shocking beetle<br>
Its pincers will get you, or its serrated feet'll

U is for {{Lore Link|Undead}}, {{Lore Link|necromancy}}'s slaves<br>
Apocalypse comes when they rise from their graves

V is for {{Lore Link|Vampire|ONlink=Online:Vampire (NPC)}}, ready to drill ya<br>
Cause she's got a case of {{Lore Link|Porphyric Hemophilia|Porphyric Hem'philia}}

W is for {{Lore Link|Will-o-the-Wisp|Wisp}}, evil glow-ball that beckons<br>
Don't follow, or you'll be seen no more, I reckons

X is for {{Lore Link|Xivilai}}, Daedric assassin<br>
Who'll pop off your head on a whim as he's passin'

Y is for {{Lore Link|Yokudan}} Warhorse, the {{Lore Link|Forebears|Forebear}}<br>
Knight's mount that he rides when he goes off to warfare

Z is for {{Lore Link|Zombie}}s &mdash; you knew they'd be last<br>
Run, don't be walking: some are quite fast!
{{Book End}}
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