
Lore:The Horse-Folk of Silverhoof

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{{Lore Book
|author=[[Lore:Books by Author#Doctor Nabeth al-Gilane|Doctor Nabeth al-Gilane]], [[Lore:Khefrem|Khefrem]] Academy of Yokudan Heritage
|description=On the lost tribe of Yokuda, the Horsemen of High Rock
I scoffed, of course, when I heard the rumors. A lost colony of {{Lore Link|Redguard}}s on the northern coast of {{Lore Link|High Rock}}? Patently absurd. But the rumors were so persistent, so consistent, that eventually I was moved to take a sabbatical from my pedagogic duties at the Academy and travel north to see for myself.

And behold, by the tears of {{Lore Link|Morwha}}, it was so! All of the scholarly details will be found in my forthcoming paper "{{Lore Link|Sevenfold Truths of the Tribe of the Herd-Mother}}," but I shall summarize the main points here, as I feel this tale is too wondrous to wait upon the slow march of scholarship.

On the northwest coast of the High Rock region of {{Lore Link|Rivenspire}}, some leagues west of the city of {{Lore Link|Shornhelm}}, is a pastoral basin known as the {{Lore Link|Silverhoof Vale|Vale of Silverhoof}}. Abiding there, as they have for the past three thousand years, is a tribe of Redguards who go by the simple name of the {{Lore Link|Horsemen}}.

How did they get there, and when, and why? Unfortunately the Horsemen have no written records, but their oral traditions are strong, and I have recorded those that have been passed down from one generation to the next. The elders of the tribe were generous with their time, particularly two named {{Lore Link|Muzar}} and {{Lore Link|Yalaida}}, and from their tales I have been able to piece together the following tentative history.

The Horsemen originally came from {{Lore Link|Yokuda}}, of this there can be no doubt. Though they have become unavoidably "{{Lore Link|Breton}}ized" over the centuries by contact with the {{Lore Link|Nede|Nedic}} folk who surround them, they retain a number of Yokudan words in daily speech, all spoken with that drawl in the vowels we associate with the steppes of old {{Lore Link|Akos Kasaz}}. A few examples will suffice from their riding terminology: to tell a {{Lore Link|horse}} to turn left, the Horsemen say "Netu;" to turn right, "Netu Hu;" and to halt, they say "Selim." Of course, "netu" is {{Lore Link|Yoku|Old Yokudan}} for "turn," while "anselim" means to stop or to cease.

So the Horsemen are of Yokudan descent, most probably from the herding clans of northern Akos Kasaz. The elders of the tribe maintain detailed oral accounts of their genealogy, and from the number of generations they record, it is possible to date their arrival on the shores of {{Lore Link|Tamriel}} to the early sixth century of the {{Lore Link|First Era}}. This was a period of upheaval in High Rock, when the {{Lore Link|Direnni}} Hegemony was in its death throes and the Breton kingdoms were just establishing themselves, a time when a colony of determined settlers could find a niche and establish itself before it could be driven out or absorbed by the indigenes. And according to the tales I heard from Muzar and Yalaida, this is exactly what happened in the Vale of Silverhoof, nearly two centuries before the {{Lore Link|Ra Gada}} came to {{Lore Link|Hammerfell}}.

Why the Horsemen came to this land is harder to determine, for on that subject their tales veer into the legendary or even mythical. Here I must speak about the tribe's unorthodox religious beliefs, for they are central to their traditions and identity. For the Horsemen do not worship any of the Old Yokudan {{Lore Link|gods}} as we know them, instead venerating a sort of divine animist spirit they call the {{Lore Link|Herd Mother}}. This equine entity acts as the tribe's guiding and protective deity; young Horsemen must commune with her on a vision journey they must partake by themselves that acts as a rite of passage to adulthood (similar to our own tradition of {{Lore Link|Walkabout}}). This "Herd Mother" is otherwise unknown to modern scholarship, but of course the vast majority of our cultural records were lost in the cataclysm that swallowed the Old Isles.

The Horsemen's tradition is that the tribe left lost Yokuda in order to preserve their worship of this Herd Mother, which was somehow endangered in the Old Isles. Their stories describe the journey from Akos Kasaz in a flotilla of "swimming horse-ships" given them by the Herd Mother, in which they "crossed seventeen seas" before reaching Tamriel. We may discount this tale as somewhat fanciful, but the Horsemen claim to have brought their eponymous mounts with them from the Isles, and this I do not doubt. For to the eye of this connoisseur of horseflesh, the steeds of the Horsemen are unmistakably identical to that breed we call the {{Lore Link|Yokudan Charger}}, and could have come directly from the {{Lore Link|Aswala Stables}} in the {{Lore Link|Alik'r}}.
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