
Lore:Ruined Watchmaster's Journal

تم إضافة ٢٬٥١٧ بايت, ٠٨:٢٧، ١٩ أبريل ٢٠١٨
Job #523: Standardize book pages
{{Lore Book
|ONExtra=([[Online:Orsinium (DLC)|Orsinium]])
|description=A diary surrounding the fall of the Pale Watch
(Many of the entries are smudged and illegible.)

24th Sun's Dawn, {{Year|2E 442}}

It has been months since the last communique and {{Lore Link|Pale Watch|the knights}} grow restless. Some have been crowing to abandon {{Lore Link|Wrothgar|the Hold}}. I have already ordered the scourging of two soldiers for seditious talk. I fear that soon corporal punishment may not be enough.

2nd Rain's Hand, {{Year|2E 459}}

I was forced to hang three junior officers for an attempted mutiny. The response has been mixed. There is renewed obedience in some sectors, but Captain {{Lore Link|Orrent Retene|Retene}} was popular. I fear that the next plot may be more difficult to disrupt. I have promoted Gisbourne to Quartermaster and instructed him to keep all arms under lock and key until this rebellious element is snuffed out. All this unpleasantness could be dispelled by a single dispatch from {{Lore Link|Daggerfall}}. {{Lore Link|Eight Divines|The Eight}} help me. No matter the cost, I will hold to my duty.

12th First Seed, {{Year|2E 460}}

Gisbourne and I have concocted a plot to save the Hold and the Pale Watch. I do not know why I now commit it to paper. Perhaps a guilty conscience? If this plan bears fruit, the guilt will be worth it.

Gisbourne and his second created a sophisticated forgery. The document purportedly comes from King {{Lore Link|Maxevian}}'s heir, and orders us to maintain our presence here indefinitely. I believe it may just work. Many of the soldiers have conducted secret marriages and settled into familiar routines. These activities contradict standard military procedure, but I allow them to play out anyway. Marriages, children, comfort, routine … these are the things that deaden wanderlust and harden the roots. So long as the troops maintain military readiness and hold to the chain of command, I will continue to turn a blind eye.

5th Morning Star, {{Year|2E 471}}

I write this with an unsteady hand. I fear that death is not far off.

Gisbourne, the Watch (and this journal) will soon be yours. For years we have nursed this weakened regiment back to health. I am sure it will thrive under your leadership.

Continue the work. Pass on the traditions. Preserve the glory of Daggerfall and suffer not the {{Lore Link|Orc}}s to rebuild. This was, is, and ever shall be our oath. See it upheld. The Eight protect you and our Pale Watch.
{{Book End}}
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