

تم إضافة ٨٬٦٧١ بايت, ٢٢:٣٤، ٧ أبريل ٢٠١٨
{{Trail|Items}} [[Category:Morrowind-Books| ]] [[Category:Lore-Books-by-Game|Morrowind]] __NOTOC__
There are many '''''books''''' in [[Morrowind:Morrowind|Morrowind]], attempting to provide players with an authentic experience by letting them delve as deeply as they want into the lore of [[Lore:Tamriel|Tamriel]]. Acquiring and reading them all in-game is a difficult task, so they are collected here. On this page there are further book categories as well as a list of all the books that appear in the game. A list of books broken down by subject can be found [[Morrowind:Books by Subject|here]].

'''Special Categories of Books'''
;[[Morrowind:Faction Books|Faction Books]]: Most factions in the game have books that document what they believe.
;[[Morrowind:Skill Books|Skill Books]]: Lists the books in the game that increase the character's skills.
;[[Morrowind:Notes|Notes]]: Shorter notes, ledgers, logs, etc.

{| class="wikitable sortable collapsible"
!width=32 class=unsortable| !! Title (ID)
! Author !!class=unsortable|Description
*{{Book Normal|2920, The Last Year of the First Era}}
*{{Book Normal|The 36 Lessons of Vivec}}
*{{Book Normal|ABCs for Barbarians}}
*{{Book Normal|Aedra and Daedra}}
*{{Book Normal|The Affairs of Wizards}}
*{{Book Normal|The Alchemists Formulary}}
*{{Book Normal|Ancestors and the Dunmer}}
*{{Book Normal|Antecedants of Dwemer Law}}
*{{Book Normal|The Anticipations}}
*{{Book Normal|The Annotated Anuad}}
*{{Book Normal|Arcana Restored}}
*{{Book Normal|The Arcturian Heresy}}
*{{Book Normal|Arkay the Enemy}}
*{{Book Normal|The Armorer's Challenge}}
*{{Book Normal|The Art of War Magic}}
*{{Book Normal|Ashland Hymns}}
*{{Book Normal|The Axe Man}}
*{{Book Normal|Azura and the Box}}
*{{Book Normal|The Balladeer's Fakebook}}
*{{Book Normal|Biography of Queen Barenziah}}
*{{Book Normal|Biography of the Wolf Queen}}
*{{Book Normal|The Black Arrow}}
*{{Book Normal|The Black Glove}}
*{{Book Normal|Blasphemous Revenants}}
*{{Book Normal|The Blue Book of Riddles}}
*{{Book Normal|Boethiah's Glory}}
*{{Book Normal|Boethiah's Pillow Book}}
*{{Book Normal|Bone}}
*{{Book Normal|The Book of Daedra}}
*{{Book Normal|The Book of Dawn and Dusk}}
*{{Book Normal|Book of Life and Service}}
*{{Book Normal|Book of Rest and Endings}}
*{{Book Normal|Breathing Water}}
*{{Book Normal|Brief History of the Empire}}
*{{Book Normal|The Brothers of Darkness}}
*{{Book Normal|Brown Book of 3E 426}}
*{{Book Normal|The Buying Game}}
*{{Book Normal|The Cake and the Diamond}}
*{{Book Normal|The Cantatas of Vivec}}
*{{Book Normal|Capn's Guide to the Fishy Stick}}
*{{Book Normal|Chance's Folly}}
*{{Book Normal|The Changed Ones}}
*{{Book Normal|Charwich-Koniinge Letters}}
*{{Book Normal|Cherim's Heart of Anequina}}
*{{Book Normal|Children of the Sky}}
*{{Book Normal|Chimarvamidium}}
*{{Book Normal|Chronicles of Nchuleft (book)}}
*{{Book Normal|Confessions of a Skooma-Eater}}
*{{Book Normal|The Consolations of Prayer}}
*{{Book Normal|Corpse Preparation}}
*{{Book Normal|A Dance in Fire}}
*{{Book Normal|Darkest Darkness}}
*{{Book Normal|Death Blow of Abernanit}}
*{{Book Normal|Divine Metaphysics...}}
*{{Book Normal|The Doors of the Spirit}}
*{{Book Normal|The Dowry}}
*{{Book Normal|The Dragon Break Re-Examined}}
*{{Book Normal|The Eastern Provinces...|The Eastern Provinces Impartially Considered}}
*{{Book Normal|The Egg of Time}}
*{{Book Normal|Fellowship of the Temple}}
*{{Book Normal|Feyfolken}}
*{{Book Normal|Fighters Guild Charter}}
*{{Book Normal|The Final Lesson}}
*{{Book Normal|The Firmament}}
*{{Book Normal|The Firsthold Revolt}}
*{{Book Normal|The Five Far Stars}}
*{{Book Normal|Five Songs of King Wulfharth|The Five Songs of King Wulfharth}}
*{{Book Normal|For my Gods and Emperor}}
*{{Book Normal|Fort Pelagiad Prisoner Log}}
*{{Book Normal|The Four Suitors of Benitah}}
*{{Book Normal|Fragment: On Artaeum}}
*{{Book Normal|Frontier, Conquest...|Frontier, Conquest, and Accomodation}}
*{{Book Normal|Galerion The Mystic}}
*{{Book Normal|Galur Rithari's Papers (book)}}
*{{Book Normal|A Game at Dinner}}
*{{Book Normal|The Gold Ribbon of Merit}}
*{{Book Normal|Grasping Fortune}}
*{{Book Normal|Great Houses of Morrowind}}
*{{Book Normal|Guide to Ald'ruhn}}
*{{Book Normal|Guide to Balmora}}
*{{Book Normal|Guide to Sadrith Mora}}
*{{Book Normal|Guide to Vivec}}
*{{Book Normal|Guide to Vvardenfell}}
*{{Book Normal|Guylaine's Architecture}}
*{{Book Normal|Hallgerd's Tale}}
*{{Book Normal|Hanging Gardens...|Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale}}
*{{Book Normal|Hanin's Wake}}
*{{Book Normal|Homilies of Blessed Almalexia}}
*{{Book Normal|Honor Among Thieves}}
*{{Book Normal|The Hope of the Redoran}}
*{{Book Normal|The Horror of Castle Xyr}}
*{{Book Normal|The House of Troubles}}
*{{Book Normal|How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs}}
*{{Book Normal|A Hypothetical Treachery}}
*{{Book Normal|Ice and Chiton|Ice and Chitin}}
*{{Book Normal|The Importance of Where}}
*{{Book Normal|Incident in Necrom}}
*{{Book Normal|Invocation of Azura}}
*{{Book Normal|Kagrenac's Journal}}
*{{Book Normal|Kagrenac's Planbook}}
*{{Book Normal|Journal of Tarhiel}}
*{{Book Normal|Last Scabbard of Akrash}}
*{{Book Normal|The Legendary Scourge}}
*{{Book Normal|Legions of the Dead}}
*{{Book Normal|A Less Rude Song}}
*{{Book Normal|Lives of the Saints}}
*{{Book Normal|The Locked Room}}
*{{Book Normal|Lord Jornibret's Last Dance}}
*{{Book Normal|The Lost Prophecy}}
*{{Book Normal|The Lunar Lorkhan}}
*{{Book Normal|The Lusty Argonian Maid}}
*{{Book Normal|The Madness of Pelagius}}
*{{Book Normal|Mages Guild Charter}}
*{{Book Normal|The Marksmanship Lesson}}
*{{Book Normal|Master Zoaraym's Tale}}
*{{Book Normal|The Mirror}}
*{{Book Normal|Mixed Unit Tactics v1}}
*{{Book Normal|The Monomyth}}
*{{Book Normal|Mysterious Akavir}}
*{{Book Normal|Mystery of Talara}}
*{{Book Normal|Mysticism (book)}}
*{{Book Normal|N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis!}}
*{{Book Normal|Nchunak's Fire and Faith}}
*{{Book Normal|Nerevar Moon-and-Star}}
*{{Book Normal|Night Falls On Sentinel}}
*{{Book Normal|No-h's Picture Book of Wood}}
*{{Book Normal|Notes on Racial Phylogeny}}
*{{Book Normal|The Old Ways}}
*{{Book Normal|On Morrowind}}
*{{Book Normal|On Oblivion}}
*{{Book Normal|Ordo Legionis}}
*{{Book Normal|Origin of the Mages Guild}}
*{{Book Normal|Overview of Gods and Worship}}
*{{Book Normal|Palla}}
*{{Book Normal|The Pig Children}}
*{{Book Normal|The Pilgrim's Path}}
*{{Book Normal|Poison Song}}
*{{Book Normal|The Posting of the Hunt}}
*{{Book Normal|The Prayers of Baranat}}
*{{Book Normal|Progress of Truth}}
*{{Book Normal|The Ransom of Zarek}}
*{{Book Normal|The Real Barenziah}}
*{{Book Normal|The Real Nerevar}}
*{{Book Normal|Realizations of Acrobacy}}
*{{Book Normal|The Rear Guard}}
*{{Book Normal|Red Book of 3E 426|Red Book of Great House Redoran 3E 426}}
*{{Book Normal|The Red Book of Riddles}}
*{{Book Normal|Redoran Cooking Secrets}}
*{{Book Normal|Reflections on Cult Worship}}
*{{Book Normal|Response to Bero's Speech}}
*{{Book Normal|The Ruins of Kemel-Ze}}
*{{Book Normal|Saryoni's Sermons}}
*{{Book Normal|Secrets of Dwemer Animunculi}}
*{{Book Normal|The Seed}}
*{{Book Normal|A Short History of Morrowind}}
*{{Book Normal|Silence (book)}}
*{{Book Normal|Sithis}}
*{{Book Normal|Smuggler's Island}}
*{{Book Normal|Song of the Alchemists}}
*{{Book Normal|Special Flora of Tamriel}}
*{{Book Normal|Spirit of Nirn, God of Mortals}}
*{{Book Normal|Spirit of the Daedra}}
*{{Book Normal|Starlover's Log}}
*{{Book Normal|The Stranger}}
*{{Book Normal|Surfeit of Thieves}}
*{{Book Normal|Tal Marog Ker's Researches}}
*{{Book Normal|Tamrielic Lore}}
*{{Book Normal|The Third Door}}
*{{Book Normal|Trap}}
*{{Book Normal|The True Nature of Orcs}}
*{{Book Normal|The True Noble's Code}}
*{{Book Normal|Unnamed Book}}
*{{Book Normal|The Vagaries of Magicka}}
*{{Book Normal|Vampires of Vvardenfell}}
*{{Book Normal|Varieties of Faith...|Varieties of Faith in the Empire}}
*{{Book Normal|Vernaccus and Bourlor}}
*{{Book Normal|Vivec and Mephala}}
*{{Book Normal|The War of the First Council}}
*{{Book Normal|The Warrior's Charge}}
*{{Book Normal|The Waters of Oblivion}}
*{{Book Normal|Where Were You ... Dragon Broke|Where Were You When the Dragon Broke?}}
*{{Book Normal|The Wild Elves}}
*{{Book Normal|Withershins (book)}}
*{{Book Normal|The Wolf Queen}}
*{{Book Normal|Words and Philosophy}}
*{{Book Normal|Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi}}
*{{Book Normal|Words of the Wind}}
*{{Book Normal|The Wraith's Wedding Dowry}}
*{{Book Normal|Yellow Book of 3E 426|Yellow Book of Great House Hlaalu}}
*{{Book Normal|The Yellow Book of Riddles}}
٤٩٬٣٨٥ تعديلا