Lore:Biography of Queen Barenziah

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Book Information
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This is a compilation of books assembled for easier reading.
Biography of Queen Barenziah
by Stern Gamboge, Imperial Scribe
The life history of Queen Barenziah

Note: This is a series of books that exists in Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind. Their inventory names are "Biography of Barenziah", although the internal title of each volume is "Biography of Queen Barenziah". The Oblivion and Morrowind versions are identical other than slight differences in how each volume is named (see individual volumes for details of names). There is also a similar, but not identical, series of books in Daggerfall. See Biography of Queen Barenziah for the Daggerfall version.

Biography of Queen Barenziah is a biographical text of Queen Barenziah's life from her birth, up until her life as Queen of Wayrest, as in the events in Daggerfall. The biography also tells of her involvement with, and briefly summarizes the events of Arena.

Those interested in the life of Queen Barenziah may also want to read The Real Barenziah (or the Daggerfall version at The Real Barenziah), which provides a more detailed and probably not officially sanctioned version of her life.

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3