

This template makes it simpler to build custom userboxes. It differs slightly from its Wikipedia counter-part, primarily in terms of unnamed parameters beyond the fifth.

This template was originally copied from Wikipedia.


Parameter Scope Description
1 or id1-c optional Color to use for both box border and left-side logo background. Can be overridden separately using border-c(olor) and logo1-background.
border-c or
optional The color of the border. (Defaults to medium grey if first unnamed parameter/id-c are not used.)
border-s or
optional The width of the border. (Defaults to 1 pixel; in pixels unless otherwise specified.)
float optional Align box to left or right and wrap text around it. Set to none to avoid floating. (Defaults to left.)
Logo/ID boxes (1 is left, 2 is right)
optional The color of the background behind the images. These can be used to have a different color than the border. (Defaults to light grey if first unnamed parameter/id-c are not used.)
3 or id1 or logo1 required The contents of the left-side logo (either text, or an image using [[File:...]] tags). Text will automatically be displayed in bold.
5 or id2 or logo2 optional The contents of the right-side logo, as above. (Defaults to left-side logo.)
6 or id2-c optional Color to use for right-side logo background.
id1-s or logo1-size
id2-s or logo2-size
optional The size of the logo text, if applicable. (Defaults to 14 points; in points unless otherwise specified.)
id1-fc or logo1-color
id2-fc or logo2-color
optional The color of the logo text, if applicable. (Defaults to black.)
id1-lh or logo1-line-height
id2-lh or logo2-line-height
optional The line height of the logo text, if applicable. (Defaults to 1.25 em; in em unless otherwise specified.)
id1-p or logo1-padding
id2-p or logo2-padding
optional The padding to add between the logo and the text box. Unlike other id1/id2 parameters, id2-p will not copy id1-p because the padding must be mirrored, not identical. (Defaults to 1 pixel on the inside border; in pixels unless otherwise specified.)
id1-op or logo1-other-param
id2-op or logo2-other-param
optional Any additional CSS style information to apply to the logo.
Info box
2 or
info-background or
optional The color of the background behind the text. (Defaults to very light grey.)
4 or
required The text for the userbox.
info-align optional Text alignment. (Defaults to left-aligned.)
info-fc or
optional The color of the text. (Defaults to black.)
info-lh or
optional The line height of the text, if applicable. (Defaults to 1.25 em; in em unless otherwise specified.)
info-p or
optional The padding to add on each side of the text. (Defaults to 4 pixels; in pixels unless otherwise specified.)
info-s or
optional The size of the text. (Defaults to 8 points; in points unless otherwise specified.)
info-op or
optional Any additional CSS style information to apply to the info box.


{{Userbox-2|id1=[[File:Example.jpg|45x45px]]|id2=[[File:User-userbox-Oblivion.png|45x45px]]|info=This is an example userbox.}}
  This is an example userbox.  
{{Userbox-2|#0000FF|#80FFFF|E.g.|This is a more colorful example userbox.|id1-s=20|I.e.|info-s=11|logo1-color=white}}
E.g. This is a more colorful example userbox. I.e.