House Telvanni | |
Locations: | |
Other Locations: Misc. Locations: |
Leaders: | |
Other Members: |
Favored Skills: | |
Favored Attributes: | |
Friends & Foes: | |
Ashlanders | -1 |
House Redoran | -1 |
House Hlaalu | -1 |
Imperial Cult | -1 |
Imperial Legion | -1 |
Tribunal Temple | -1 |
Vampires | -1 |
Sixth House | -3 |
Mages Guild | -3 |
Joining House Telvanni
To join House Telvanni, travel to Sadrith Mora and speak with the Mouths in the Telvanni Council Hall.
Normally, you can join only one Great House in the game, but there is a way in which you can join both House Telvanni and House Hlaalu. For details on how to do this see the Glitches article.
It should be noted that House Telvanni is the only house in Morrowind to tolerate vampires and even let them join their ranks.
Expelled from House Telvanni
If you are expelled, you can make amends with anyone ranked Mouth or above, except Therana. You can rejoin as many times as needed.
House Telvanni Ranks
Rank | Required Attributes | Required Skills |
0. Hireling | Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 | — |
1. Retainer | Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 10 |
2. Oathman | Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 20 |
3. Lawman | Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 30 and two at 5 |
4. Mouth | Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 40 and two at 10 |
5. Spellwright | Intelligence 31 Willpower 31 | One skill at 50 and two at 15 |
6. Wizard | Intelligence 32 Willpower 32 | One skill at 60 and two at 20 |
7. Master¹ | Intelligence 33 Willpower 33 | One skill at 70 and two at 25 |
8. Magister¹ | Intelligence 34 Willpower 34 | One skill at 80 and two at 30 |
9. Archmagister | Intelligence 35 Willpower 35 | One skill at 90 and two at 35 |
Note that you do not actually have to satisfy the requirements for Magister or Archmagister; as soon as you meet the requirements for Master, you will also be given the option to advance to Magister (which begins the quest Archmagister Gothren, automatically advancing you to Archmagister on completion.)
Bug: Some people have reported reaching the rank of Master in the House, then being unable to advance any further. For more details and tips on how to solve this, see below.
¹ Requires completion of Stronghold Phase 2. Until it completes Aryon will tell you that you must complete more quests. Morrowind:Telvanni Quests
House Telvanni Members
Character Name | Race | Class | Ranking | Location | Comments | |
Abbard the Wild | Nord | Barbarian | 0 Hireling | Bal Fell | ||
Edril Vules | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 3 Lawman | Bal Fell | ||
Hirnir | Nord | Barbarian | 0 Hireling | Bal Fell | ||
Ringvild | Nord | Rogue | 0 Hireling | Bal Fell | ||
Roggvar Blue-Tooth | Nord | Warrior | 0 Hireling | Bal Fell | ||
Edd "Fast Eddie" Theman | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 3 Lawman | Balmora, Fast Eddie's House | ||
Uupse Fyr | Dunmer | Spellsword | 1 Retainer | Corprusarium Bowels | ||
Galas Drenim | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 6 Wizard | Ebonheart, Grand Council Chambers | ||
Baladas Demnevanni | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 6 Wizard | Gnisis, Arvs-Drelen | ||
Aglaril | Bosmer | Archer | 0 Hireling | Hanud | ||
Faric Panoit | Breton | Healer | 0 Hireling | Hanud, Tower | ||
Noleon Sele | Breton | Spellsword | 0 Hireling | Hanud, Tower | ||
Treras Dres | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 2 Oathman | Hanud, Tower | ||
Arannir | Bosmer | Acrobat | 0 Hireling | Mababi | ||
Dondreth | Bosmer | Monk | 0 Hireling | Mababi | ||
Lielle Vette | Breton | Spellsword | 0 Hireling | Mababi | ||
Reron Rinith | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 1 Retainer | Mababi | ||
Delvam Andarys | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 0 Hireling | Mawia | ||
Veros NerethiTR | Dunmer | Enforcer | 0 Hireling | Mournhold, Secret Office | ||
Milyn Faram | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 3 Lawman | Odirniran, Tower | ||
Ancola | Redguard | Trader | 0 Hireling | Sadrith Mora | Trader Service | |
Anruin | Bosmer | Smith | 1 Retainer | Sadrith Mora | Smith Service | |
Manicky | Redguard | Smith | 0 Hireling | Sadrith Mora | Smith Service | |
Anis Seloth | Dunmer | Alchemist | 1 Retainer | Sadrith Mora, Anis Seloth: Alchemist | Alchemist Service | |
Angaredhel | Dunmer | Mage | 3 Lawman | Sadrith Mora, Gateway Inn | ||
Llaalam Madalas | Dunmer | Nightblade | 5 Spellwright | Sadrith Mora, Llaalam Madalas: Mage | Nightblade Service | |
Pierlette Rostorard | Breton | Apothecary | 3 Lawman | Sadrith Mora, Pierlette Rostorard: Apothecary | Apothecary Service | |
Berengeval | Bosmer | Archer | 1 Retainer | Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga General Quarters | ||
Faldan | Bosmer | Archer | 3 Lawman | Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga General Quarters | ||
Savesea Mothryon | Dunmer | Mage | 3 Lawman | Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga General Quarters | ||
Vanel Serven | Dunmer | Battlemage | 3 Lawman | Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga General Quarters | ||
Drodos Galen | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 3 Lawman | Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Great Hall | ||
Endar Drenim | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 5 Spellwright | Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Upper Tower | ||
Engaer | Bosmer | Assassin | 3 Lawman | Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Upper Tower | ||
Neloth | Dunmer | Mage | 7 Master | Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Upper Tower | ||
Vares Reram | Dunmer | Battlemage | 3 Lawman | Sadrith Mora, Tel Naga Upper Tower | ||
Arara Uvulas | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 4 Mouth | Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House | ||
Enar Releth | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 4 Mouth | Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House | ||
Felisa Ulessen | Dunmer | Mage | 4 Mouth | Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House | ||
Galos Mathendis | Dunmer | Enchanter | 4 Mouth | Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House | ||
Mallam Ryon | Dunmer | Mage | 4 Mouth | Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House | ||
Raven Omayn | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 4 Mouth | Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House | ||
Dalyne Arvel | Dunmer | Mage | 0 Hireling | Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Entry | ||
Galar Rothan | Dunmer | Enchanter | 3 Lawman | Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Entry | Enchanter Service, Trainer: Blunt Weapon, Enchant, Unarmored | |
Nelso Salenim | Dunmer | Mage | 2 Oathman | Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Entry | Mage Service | |
Llunela Hleran | Dunmer | Enchanter | 6 Wizard | Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Hermitage | ||
Threvul Serethi | Dunmer | Healer | 2 Oathman | Sadrith Mora, Thervul Serethi: Healer | Healer Service | |
Urtiso Faryon | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 2 Oathman | Sadrith Mora, Urtiso Faryon: Sorcerer | Sorcerer Service | |
Bravosi Henim | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 1 Retainer | Sanni | ||
Merard Geves | Breton | Bard | 0 Hireling | Sanni | ||
Relie Jeannie | Breton | Healer | 0 Hireling | Sanni | ||
Rianciene Aurilie | Breton | Spellsword | 0 Hireling | Sanni | ||
Tirer Belvayn | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 2 Oathman | Shara | ||
Arbene Gernis | Breton | Healer | 0 Hireling | Shishara | ||
Belene Yvienne | Breton | Spellsword | 0 Hireling | Shishara | ||
Distel | Bosmer | Archer | 0 Hireling | Shishara | ||
Erradan | Bosmer | Acrobat | 0 Hireling | Shishara | ||
Iingail | Bosmer | Monk | 0 Hireling | Shishara | ||
Medyn Gilnith | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 1 Retainer | Shishara | ||
Faves Andas | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 3 Lawman | Shishi | ||
Brithroth | Bosmer | Acrobat | 0 Hireling | Sulipund | ||
Cuunel | Bosmer | Monk | 0 Hireling | Sulipund | ||
Llarar Bereloth | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 0 Hireling | Sulipund | ||
Malielle Broles | Breton | Spellsword | 0 Hireling | Sulipund | ||
Nael | Bosmer | Archer | 0 Hireling | Sulipund | ||
Anora | Redguard | Spellsword | 5 Spellwright | Tel Aruhn, Tower Entry | ||
Brarayni Sarys | Dunmer | Alchemist | 5 Spellwright | Tel Aruhn, Tower Entry | Alchemist Service | |
Irna Maryon | Dunmer | Apothecary | 2 Oathman | Tel Aruhn, Tower Entry | Apothecary Service | |
Barusi Venim | Dunmer | Enchanter | 2 Oathman | Tel Aruhn, Tower Living Quarters | Enchanter Service | |
Felara Andrethi | Dunmer | Healer | 3 Lawman | Tel Aruhn, Tower Living Quarters | Healer Service | |
Rinina | Redguard | Spellsword | 5 Spellwright | Tel Aruhn, Tower Living Quarters | ||
Senise Thindo | Dunmer | Battlemage | 3 Lawman | Tel Aruhn, Tower Living Quarters | ||
Brolmir | Bosmer | Sharpshooter | 5 Spellwright | Tel Aruhn, Upper Tower | ||
Endase Avel | Dunmer | Mage | 6 Wizard | Tel Aruhn, Upper Tower | ||
Gothren | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 9 Archmagister | Tel Aruhn, Upper Tower | ||
Balis Favani | Dunmer | Spellsword | 3 Lawman | Tel Branora | ||
Cun | Bosmer | Sharpshooter | 1 Retainer | Tel Branora | ||
Endring | Bosmer | Enforcer | 0 Hireling | Tel Branora | ||
Ennah | Redguard | Sharpshooter | 3 Lawman | Tel Branora | ||
Estinan | Bosmer | Enforcer | 1 Retainer | Tel Branora | ||
Foronir | Bosmer | Sharpshooter | 0 Hireling | Tel Branora | ||
Irwaen | Bosmer | Sharpshooter | 0 Hireling | Tel Branora | ||
Mollimo of Cloudrest | Altmer | Warrior | 3 Lawman | Tel Branora | ||
Trerayna Dalen | Dunmer | Enchanter | 2 Oathman | Tel Branora | ||
Aredhel | Bosmer | Enforcer | 3 Lawman | Tel Branora, Lower Tower | ||
Dreyns Telmon | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 3 Lawman | Tel Branora, Lower Tower | ||
Seras Gavos | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 3 Lawman | Tel Branora, Lower Tower | ||
Darvasa Vedas | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 6 Wizard | Tel Branora, Tower Guardpost | ||
Godros | Bosmer | Agent | 3 Lawman | Tel Branora, Tower Guardpost | Trainer: Light Armor, Sneak, Acrobatics | |
Monthadan | Bosmer | Healer | 3 Lawman | Tel Branora, Tower Guardpost | ||
Mertisi Andavel | Dunmer | Nightblade | 1 Retainer | Tel Branora, Upper Tower | Nightblade Service | |
Gaelion | Dunmer | Enforcer | 3 Lawman | Tel Branora, Upper Tower | ||
Gorchalas | Bosmer | Sharpshooter | 3 Lawman | Tel Branora, Upper Tower | ||
Muldroni Rendas | Dunmer | Spellsword | 3 Lawman | Tel Branora, Upper Tower | ||
Felen Maryon | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 1 Retainer | Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber | Sorcerer Service | |
Gils Drelas | Dunmer | Alchemist | 1 Retainer | Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber | Alchemist Service | |
Therana | Dunmer | Mage | 7 Master | Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber | ||
Emelin | Bosmer | Enforcer | 0 Hireling | Tel Mora | ||
Nina | Dunmer | Enforcer | 0 Hireling | Tel Mora | ||
Daynali Dren | Dunmer | Alchemist | 1 Retainer | Tel Mora, Lower Tower | Alchemist Service | |
Gelduin | Bosmer | Hunter | 0 Hireling | Tel Mora, Lower Tower | ||
Katie | Redguard | Enforcer | 0 Hireling | Tel Mora, Lower Tower | ||
Margonet | Redguard | Battlemage | 0 Hireling | Tel Mora, Lower Tower | ||
Diren Vendu | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 3 Lawman | Tel Mora, Tower Services | Sorcerer Service | |
Salama Andrethi | Dunmer | Nightblade | 2 Oathman | Tel Mora, Tower Services | Nightblade Service | |
Tinaso Alan | Dunmer | Mage | 1 Retainer | Tel Mora, Tower Services | Mage Service | |
Dratha | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 7 Master | Tel Mora, Upper Tower | ||
Elphiron | Bosmer | Warrior | 0 Hireling | Tel Mora, Upper Tower | ||
Nathien | Bosmer | Spellsword | 0 Hireling | Tel Mora, Upper Tower | ||
Sadela Areth | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 1 Retainer | Tel Mora, Upper Tower | ||
Farena Arelas | Dunmer | Mage | 3 Lawman | Tel Uvirith, Arelas' House | Mage Service | |
Gorven Menas | Dunmer | Alchemist | 3 Lawman | Tel Uvirith, Menas' House | Alchemist Service | |
Tunila Omavel | Dunmer | Healer | 6 Wizard | Tel Uvirith, Omavel's House | Healer Service | |
Hlendrisa Seleth | Dunmer | Enchanter | 6 Wizard | Tel Uvirith, Seleth's House | Enchanter Service | |
Reynel Uvirith | Dunmer | Mage | 6 Wizard | Tel Uvirith, Tower Lower | ||
Aryon | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 7 Master | Tel Vos, Aryon's Chambers | ||
Turedus Talanian | Imperial | Warrior | 3 Lawman | Tel Vos, Aryon's Chambers | ||
Cania Mico | Imperial | Warrior | 0 Hireling | Tel Vos, Barracks and Armory | ||
Cidius Caro | Imperial | Battlemage | 1 Retainer | Tel Vos, Barracks and Armory | ||
Luspinian Hertarian | Imperial | Sharpshooter | 1 Retainer | Tel Vos, Barracks and Armory | ||
Rimintil | Altmer | Crusader | 2 Oathman | Tel Vos, Central Tower | ||
Ronerelie Philulanie | Breton | Assassin | 0 Hireling | Tel Vos, Central Tower | ||
Smokeskin-Killer | Argonian | Warrior | 1 Retainer | Tel Vos, Central Tower | ||
Goler Andrethi | Dunmer | Witchhunter | 1 Retainer | Tel Vos, Jail | ||
Alenus Vendu | Dunmer | Enchanter | 3 Lawman | Tel Vos, Services Tower | Enchanter Service | |
Andil | Altmer | Apothecary | 3 Lawman | Tel Vos, Services Tower | Apothecary Service | |
Milar Maryon | Dunmer | Healer | 1 Retainer | Tel Vos, Services Tower | Healer Service | |
Mirvon Andrethi | Dunmer | Monk | 1 Retainer | Tel Vos, Services Tower | Trainer: Acrobatics, Hand-to-hand, Sneak | |
Ra'Kothre | Khajiit | Warrior | 1 Retainer | Tel Vos, Southern Tower | ||
Debentien Sylbenitte | Breton | Bard | 0 Hireling | Vas, Entry Level | ||
Derelle Ysciele | Breton | Healer | 0 Hireling | Vas, Entry Level | ||
Jeberilie Moniel | Breton | Spellsword | 0 Hireling | Vas, Entry Level | ||
Daris Adram | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 2 Oathman | Vas, Tower | ||
Fendel Hlaren | Dunmer | Noble | 1 Retainer | Vivec, Hlaren Residence | ||
Kalorter | Redguard | Warrior | 3 Lawman | Vivec, Hlaren Residence | ||
Aron Andaren | Dunmer | Commoner | 0 Hireling | Vivec, Telvanni | ||
Garas Seloth | Dunmer | Alchemist | 2 Oathman | Vivec, Telvanni Alchemist | Alchemist Service | |
Galuro Belan | Dunmer | Apothecary | 1 Retainer | Vivec, Telvanni Apothecary | Apothecary Service | |
Eldrar Fathyron | Dunmer | Merchant | 2 Oathman | Vivec, Telvanni Canalworks | ||
Audenian Valius | Imperial | Enchanter | 3 Lawman | Vivec, Telvanni Enchanter | Enchanter Service | |
Fevyn Ralen | Dunmer | Mage | 3 Lawman | Vivec, Telvanni Mage | Mage Service | |
Avoni Dren | Dunmer | Noble | 0 Hireling | Vivec, Telvanni Plaza | ||
Landa | Redguard | Warrior | 1 Retainer | Vivec, Telvanni Plaza | ||
Ciel Nestal | Breton | Spellsword | 1 Retainer | Vivec, Telvanni Tower | ||
Cirges Adrard | Breton | Archer | 1 Retainer | Vivec, Telvanni Tower | ||
Cirwedh | Bosmer | Scout | 1 Retainer | Vivec, Telvanni Tower | Trainer: Sneak, Block, Medium Armor | |
Ferarilie Riscel | Breton | Nightblade | 1 Retainer | Vivec, Telvanni Tower | ||
Mavon Drenim | Dunmer | Mage | 5 Spellwright | Vivec, Telvanni Tower | ||
Salora Salobar | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 1 Retainer | Vivec, Telvanni Tower | ||
Silius Fulcinius | Imperial | Agent | 1 Retainer | Vivec, Telvanni Tower | Trainer: Speechcraft, Light Armor, Sneak | |
Salver Lleran | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 5 Spellwright | Vivec, Telvanni Sorcerer | Sorcerer Service | |
Tadas Llendu | Dunmer | Commoner | 0 Hireling | Vivec, Telvanni Upper Storage | ||
Golveso Senim | Dunmer | Monk | 1 Retainer | Vivec, Telvanni Waistworks | Trainer: Acrobatics, Hand-to-hand, Sneak | |
Ethal Seloth | Dunmer | Sorcerer | 2 Oathman | Vivec, Temporary Telvanni Housing | ||
Gonk gra-Gurub | Orc | Warrior | 3 Lawman | Vivec, Temporary Telvanni Housing | ||
Idroso Vendu | Dunmer | Mage | 2 Oathman | Vivec, Temporary Telvanni Housing | ||
Nannithon | Redguard | Warrior | 1 Retainer | Vivec, Temporary Telvanni Housing | ||
Arvyn Llerayn | Dunmer | Mage | 1 Retainer | Vivec, The Lizard's Head | Trainer: Destruction, Mysticism, Alteration | |
Manara Othan | Dunmer | Publican | 1 Retainer | Vivec, The Lizard's Head | Publican |
Telvanni Master Bug
The bug occurs when you try to advance to the last rank in the House and are told you cannot. It is supposed to start when you advance from the rank of Wizard when speaking to Master Aryon (in Tel Vos), use topic Magister:
- I can grant you the rank of Master now. That will give you an equal place on the Telvanni Council. But if you aspire to a higher claim, I can also grant you the title of Magister. By accepting the title of Magister, you are announcing that you deserve the title of Archmagister more than Gothren who currently holds that rank. Which will it be?
However, some people have mentioned that they have problems advancing to Archmagister even if they did not choose to have the one time advance to Master, which leaves them stuck at the rank of Magister. This problem comes from getting too many advancements. In particular, when you ask for advancement after you are a spellwright, but before you have recruited a Mouth, Master Aryon will promote you to Wizard. Then when you recruit your mouth, you'll be advanced to Master, and the game will assume you didn't want to be magister.
If you have the patch, an expansion, or Game of the Year Edition, there is a way around this. Speak to Aryon again (topic Magister again).
- You have foresworn the title of Magister... But perhaps you have changed your mind. Will you fight Archmagister Gothren and claim the title as your own?
You should choose to fight Gothren, kill him, and return to Aryon to be named as the Archmagister.
The last option for those playing the PC version of the game is to use the console. Open the console using the ~ tilde key and enter the command: PCRaiseRank "Telvanni"
Telvanni Wizard chores
When asking for advancement at rank Wizard, Aryon will say "You must perform more chores before I would be willing to consider you for the highest ranks of House Telvanni". At this point, doing more chores for the other Telvanni will change nothing: what the player has to do is complete the first stage of the stronghold to make Aryon's chores available. Though not game-blocking, this is in a way related to the previous "Telvanni Master bug": if the player has completed the quest to recruit a Mouth before asking Aryon for advancement, Aryon will never mention having to build a stronghold. The player needs to speak with Llunela Hleran of their own initiative.
The Telvanni vampire bug
If you are playing as a vampire, you can join House Telvanni and advance in ranks, but only as far as Spellwright. The reason is that the quest Wizard Spells relies on a custom greeting from Master Aryon to check if it is completed. If you are a vampire, Aryon will not deliver this greeting, but rather a standard vampire greeting.
In general, you will be able to attain the ranks of Mouth and Spellwright but not build a stronghold (Duke Vedam Dren does not speak to vampires). But if you want to advance further, you will have to seek a cure from vampirism, in order to get the correct greeting from Aryon.