Tribunal Temple | |
Locations: | |
Leaders: | |
Masters: |
Favored Skills: | |
Favored Attributes: | |
Friends & Foes: | |
House Redoran | +2 |
House Hlaalu | +1 |
Ashlanders | -1 |
Blades | -1 |
Fighters Guild | -1 |
House Telvanni | -1 |
Imperial Legion | -1 |
Thieves Guild | -1 |
Imperial Cult | -2 |
Mages Guild | -2 |
Sixth House | -3 |
Vampires | -3 |
Nerevarine Cult | -8 |
About the Temple
The Temple is an organization created for the worship of the Tribunal, also known as the Almsivi. The three demigods Vivec, Almalexia and Sotha Sil joined their powers to set up the Ghostfence, a magical boundary around Red Mountain on the island of Vvardenfell, to contain the spread of the Blight plague. The history of the Tribunal goes back to The War of the First Council, after which the then mortal Almsivi exploited Kagrenac's Tools to make themselves gods.
Of the Great Houses of Morrowind, House Indoril is the one most deeply rooted in the Temple hierarchy, dominating both the priest caste as well as the Ordinators, who serve as guardians of the Temple. House Redoran is one of the most pious houses; Redoran Buoyant Armigers serve together with Ordinators as guardians of the Ghostfence and the Tribunal Temples. House Hlaalu, being dominated by Imperialised Dunmer, prays when it is convenient, maintaining the appearance of piety through lavishly-appointed structures. House Telvanni has little use for the Tribunal Temple, as the Magelords themselves are as ancient as the Almsivi, letting its temples become overrun with dust and squatter merchants. House Dres, being the most traditional of the Great Houses, ardently supports the Temple.
Temple Structures
Tribunal Temples are scattered all around Vvardenfell and most serve as return points for Almsivi Intervention spells. While many of the temples in outlying areas are freestanding structures built of packed mud in the Velothi style, it is not uncommon to see them adapted to blend in with local styles, be that built on top of Vivec's cantons, or even integrated into Telvanni mushroom structures.
There are two Fanes on Vvardenfell: the High Fane on Vivec's Temple Canton, which houses the offices of the Archcanon and Temple administration, and the fortress-city of Ghostgate. The latter is the larger of the two structures with a wizard's tower forming each wing, but both feature an elevated central platform which holds an offering pit and one of each type of shrine.
Joining the Tribunal Temple
Those interested in joining the Tribunal Temple should speak to priests at the temples in Ald'ruhn, Balmora, Molag Mar, and Ghostgate, or with priests at the High Fane in the Temple Compound in Vivec.
Once you are recognized as the Nerevarine by finishing the Third Trial, it is impossible to join until you have spoken with Vivec due to the Temple's hostility towards you and the Nerevarine Prophecies. If you are already a Temple member, you will not receive any new quests during this time, or receive credit for finishing any.
Expelled from the Temple
If you are expelled from the Tribunal Temple, most guild members will recommend making amends and speaking with a Temple Master. The Temple Masters are Endryn Llethan, Feldrelo Sadri, Tharer Rotheloth, Tuls Valen, and Uvoo Llaren. You can also speak with the Patriarch, Tholer Saryoni, though he is behind some locked doors. Take note that a second expulsion is permanent.
For more information, visit the Lore page.
Tribunal Temple Ranks
Rank | Required Attributes | Required Skills |
0. Layman | Intelligence 30 Personality 30 | — |
1. Novice | Intelligence 30 Personality 30 | One skill at 10 |
2. Initiate | Intelligence 30 Personality 30 | One skill at 20 |
3. Acolyte | Intelligence 30 Personality 30 | One skill at 30 and two at 5 |
4. Adept | Intelligence 30 Personality 30 | One skill at 40 and two at 10 |
5. Curate | Intelligence 31 Personality 31 | One skill at 50 and two at 15 |
6. Disciple | Intelligence 32 Personality 32 | One skill at 60 and two at 20 |
7. Diviner | Intelligence 33 Personality 33 | One skill at 70 and two at 25 |
8. Master | Intelligence 34 Personality 34 | One skill at 80 and two at 30 |
9. Patriarch* | Intelligence 35 Personality 35 | One skill at 90 and two at 35 |
* Patriarch doesn't actually require the listed skills and attributes, as the final promotion is automatically given from the final Temple quest, Ebony Mail. Morrowind:Temple Quests
Tribunal Temple Members