Lore:Books by Subject

< Books

Overview | قالب:FULLPAGENAME0]]/Link|1=Numeric}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=A}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=B}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=C}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=D}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=E}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=F}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=G}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=H}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=I}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=J}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=K}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=L}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=M}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=N}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=O}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=P}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=Q}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=R}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=S}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=T}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=U}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=V}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=W}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=X}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=Y}}{{قالب:FULLPAGENAME0/Link|1=Z}} | By Author | By Subject

This article lists all of the lore-related books that have appeared in the Elder Scrolls games, sorted by subject. For the published Elder Scrolls novels, see here. To see a list of books by subjects, sorted by a particular game, see the Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim and Online pages.


Esoteric Texts

Faction Books

Abah's Landing Merchant Lords
V. 1, V. 2, V. 3, V. 4, V. 5, V. 6
The Affairs of Wizards
An Accounting of Werewolves
Against False Gods
Ahzirr Traajijazeri
Ashlander Tribes and Customs
Beware the Shadowscales
The Blackfeather Court
The Black Glove
The Black Hand
The Brothers of Darkness
Brown Book of 3E 426
Buoyant Armigers: Swords of Vivec
Cases of the Divine Prosecution
Chronicles of the Five Companions
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Clans of Eastmarch: The Direfrost
Clan of the White Bear
Code of the Baandari Pedlars
Confessions of a Thief
The Dark Husband
The Direfrost Flame
The Divine Prosecution
Fall from Glory
Fellowship of the Temple
Fighters Guild Charter
Fire and Darkness
The Five Tenets
Followers of the Gray Fox
For My Gods and Emperor
Founding of the Spirit Wardens
Great Houses of Morrowind
Grasping Fortune
The Green Singing
Guide to the Daggerfall Covenant
Guide to the Ebonheart Pact
Hiding with the Shadow
History of the Fighters Guild
Honor Among Thieves
Honorable Writ of Execution
House of Reveries: The Audition
House of Reveries: The History
House of Reveries: The Troupe
House Hlaalu Philosophy of Trade
House Tamrith: A Recent History
House Tharn of Nibenay
Keepers of the Grove
Kinlord Rilis and the Mages Guild
A Kiss, Sweet Mother
The Knightly Orders of High Rock
Knights of the Dragon
Legacy of the Dragonguard
Life In the Scaled Court
The Lure of the Camonna Tong
The Mabrigash Trial
Mages Guild Charter
Manifesto Cyrodiil Vampyrum
The Maulborn Manifesto
Merchants, Scoundrels, Thieves
Necromancer's Moon
Necromancy in Modern Tamriel
Necromancy: The Great Debate
The Nightingales
Volume 1, Volume 2
Nords Arise!
The Nycotic Cult
Oathbreakers of Ouze
Oathbreakers' Rest
On the College of Sapiarchs
On the Interrogation of Witches
The Order of the Black Worm
Order of the Hour (book)‎
Ordinators: A Comprehensive Guide
Ordo Legionis
The Origin of the Mages Guild
Origin of the Scaled Court
Our Calling, Our Pledge
Pension of the Ancestor Moth
Proposal: Schools of Magic
Purifier's Journal
Red Book of 3E 426
The Ring of Daggers
Rise of the Red Sails
Sages of the Crystal Tower
Shornhelm, Crown City of the North
The Spinners of Y'ffre
The Stormfist Clan
The True Noble's Code
Tales of the Spinners
Threat of the Baandari Pedlars
To Posterity
Understanding House Dres
Understanding House Hlaalu
Understanding House Indoril
Understanding House Redoran
The Unearthing of Kardala
The Watcher's Pledge
The Way of the Baandari
Vosh Rakh
The Welkynars of Eton Nir
Why Don the Veil?
Witch Cults of Northern High Rock
With Regards to the Ebony Blade
Yellow Book of 3E 426


The Adventures of Eslaf Erol
Beggar, Thief, Warrior, King
Almalexia and the Mudcrab
The Argonian Account
Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4
The Armorer's Challenge
The Arrowshot Woman
The Assassin of Alik'r
The Asylum Ball
The Axe Man
Azarrid's Race
Azura and the Box
Banker's Bet
The Bastard's Tomb
The Battle of Orsinium
Beggar Prince
The Black Arrow
v1, v2
Blessed Almalexia's Fables for Afternoon
Blessed Almalexia's Fables for Evening
Blessed Almalexia's Fables for Morning
The Blessed Dagger
Part I, Part II
Breathing Water
Broken Diamonds
The Cabin in the Woods
The Cake and the Diamond
Chance's Folly
Chronicles of Ehtelar
Vol. 1, Vol. 2
The Chopping Block
Crow and Raven: Three Short Fables
Cub Tales
A Dance in Fire
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4,
Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7
A Dance in Moonlight
Death of a Wanderer
Den of Thieves, Part Two
Divad the Singer
The Dowry
A Dubious Tale of the Crystal Tower
Dust's Shadow
Dusty Page
The Elf, the Egg, and the Almost-Dragon
The Epic of the Grey Falcon
Exiled from Exile, Volume 7
The Exodus
The Final Lesson
A Folk Tale
The Four Suitors of Benitah
Freedom's Price
The Fruit and the Stone
Ghosts in the Storm
Ghosts of the Old Tower
A Gift of Sanctuary
The Gold Ribbon of Merit
Hallgerd's Tale
The Healer's Tale
The Hist's Fire
Ice and Chitin
The Importance of Where
Incident in Necrom
Investigator Vale: The Curse of Mandrake Manor
Investigator Vale: A Deadly Toll
Investigator Vale: Fowl Play
Investigator Vale: The Locked Room Murder
Investigator Vale: Retinue of Shambles
Investigator Vale: Shadow Fellows
Investigator Vale in Vvardenfell
The Ivory Lord: A Hero Born
V. 1, V. 2, V. 3
Kolb & the Dragon
Last Scabbard of Akrash
The Legend of Lover's Lament
Legends of the Forest
The Light and the Dark
A Light on the Moor
The Locked Room
The Lost Communion
Lost Tales of the Famed Explorer
The Marksmanship Lesson
The Martyrdom of Saint Pelin
Master Zoaraym's Tale
The Mirror
More Than Mortal
Mystery of Talara
v1, v2, v3, v4, v5
Night Falls on Sentinel
Oelander's Hammer
Of Fjori and Holgeir
On the Utility of Marbles and Needles
Volume 1, Volume 2
Picnic at Pelin (A Horror Story)
The Piper
Poison Song
Prince Hew and the Haj Mota Chariot
Prince Hew and the Three-Legged Race
Purloined Shadows
The Ransom of Zarek
Realizations of Acrobacy
The Rear Guard
The Refugees
Remember Me
The Right Mattock for the Job
Robier's Vegetable Garden
The Ruby Necklace
The Saga of Captain Wereshark
Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
The Sage
The Seed
Singed Page
Smuggler's Island
The Snow Elf and the Variation-Lens
Sporting Chance
A Star Walks In Craglorn
The Story of Lyrisius
Sumiril's Book
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Surfeit of Thieves
Sword-Wisdom of Saikhalar
The Tale of Dro'Zira
A Tale Forever Told
A Tale of Kieran
The Tale of Princess Anurraame
Tales of Abba Arl: The Fat Mother
Tales of Abba Arl: The Ox's Tale
Tales of the Two Moons Path Vol. 3
Tazgol's Vision Quest
Thief of Virtue
The Third Door
Three Thieves
A Tragedy in Black
The True Balance
The Truth of the Hunter
Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3
An Unexpected Defense
Vernaccus and Bourlor
The Voyages of Il-Am-Hakim
Vol. 3, Vol. 7
War Call of the Mammoth Herders
Wardens of the Green
The Woodcutter's Wife
The Woodsmer
The Wraith's Wedding Dowry
Zakhin's Many Heroes

History & Lore

2920, The Last Year of the First Era
v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12
The Aetherium Wars
Agra Crun
The Amulet of Kings
Annals of the Dragonguard
The Arcturian Heresy
Armlet of Torug
Armor of Myth and Legend
Authenticity of the Giovessen Skull
Ayleid Cities of Valenwood
Ayleid Survivals in Valenwood
Bangkorai, Shield of High Rock
The Barrows of Westmark Moor
Battle of Falinesti
The Battle of Red Mountain
Battle of Sancre Tor
Battle of Thormar
The Bear of Markarth
Before the Ages of Man: OB, SR, ON
Beware the Glenumbra Banks
The Black Quill
Brief History of the Empire
DF: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
MW, OB, SR: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
The Black Year
The Blackwater War
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
A History of Blackrose Prison
A History of Lilmoth
Blasius' Unfinished Manuscript
The Brothers of Strife
The Brothers' War
By the Master's Mace
Catacombs of Cath Bedraud
Centurion's Signet
The Challenge at Bloody Knoll
Champions of Dra'bul
The Chosen People of Aldmeris
Chronicles of Nchuleft
The Chorrol Crier
Cleansing of the Fane
Coldwind's Skull
The Crown of Freydis
Daughter of the Niben
Dire Legends of the Doomcrag
Dragon Break Re-Examined, The
Dwarf Light
Dwemer History and Culture
The Eagle and the Cat
Engine of Expression
Enigma of the Runestones
Eorim's Tale
Eulogy for Emperor Varen
Eye of Zthenganaz
The Fall of Carac Dena
The Fall and Rise of Reman's Bluff
Fall of the Snow Prince
The Fall of the Usurper
Fall of Vitharn
The False Revanchism of the Maormer
Faltonia's Promise
Fav'te's War Of Betony
The First Charter
The Firsthold Revolt
The Flight of Gryphons
Fragment: On Artaeum
Frostbreak Chalice
From Argonian to Saxhleel
Frontier, Conquest, and Accomodation
The Fury of King Ranser
The Ghost of the Green
Glories and Laments
The Grave of Skar
Great Harbingers
The Great War
The Guardian and the Traitor
Guthrag's Mask
Head of Brazzefk
Hammer of Glass
Heart of Valenwood
Heart of Zandadunoz
Heroes of the Sanctuary
The Hidden Tunnels of Orsinium
A History of Daggerfall
History of Raven Rock
v1, v2, v3,
Holdings of Jarl Gjalund
Horn of Beasts
House Tamrith: A Recent History
House Tharn of Nibenay
How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs
How We Came to Coldharbour
In Defense of Prince Hubalajad
The Interment of Feremuzh
Into the Lion's Den
The Keepers of the Razor
The Knights of the Nine
Knightsgrave: Legend or Legacy
The Last King of the Ayleids
Last of the Old Bones
The Legend of Dame Marcelle
The Legend of Grudge-Rock Falls
The Legendary Sancre Tor
The Legendary Scourge
The Legend of Thukhozod
Liquid Silver
The Lost Fort Faleria
Lost Histories of Tamriel
The "Madmen" of the Reach
Mad Urkazbur's Ice-Effigy
Mal Sorra's Curse
The Maormer of Pyandonea
Map of Clans
Mara's Tear
The Massacre at Cormount
The Masters' Hall
A Minor Maze
The Mysteries of Moravagarlis
The Mysterious Mermaid of Anvil
The Na-Totambu of Yokuda
Nedic Dueling Swords
Nerevar at Red Mountain
Newgate's War Of Betony
Night of Tears
Nord Armorers and Armsmen
Northpoint: An Assessment
Nuzava's Anvil
The Oblivion Crisis
The Obsidian Husk
Of Crossed Daggers
Olaf and the Dragon
On Immortality
On Morrowind
On Moving Ebonheart
Orcs: Monsters or Misunderstood?
Orcs of Skyrim
Path of the Pilgrim
The Pig Children
Pirates of the Abecean
Quotes from the Greats
The Reclamations
Red Mountain's Might
Redguards, Their History and Their Heroes
Relics of Saint Veloth
Reman II: The Limits of Ambition
Remnants of Cyrod
Reverence for the Dead
Reynir the Destroyer
The Rise and Fall of the Blades
The Royal House of King Eamond
The Royal Lineage of Sentinel
Saint Nerevar
Scepter of the Riekr King-Chief
Scroll of Eight
Sealing the Great Serpent
The Second Akaviri Invasion
Sep's Kiss
A Short History of Morrowind
The Siege of Ald Marak
Simple Illusion Magic
The Slave Rebellion – Man's Triumph
The Song of Pelinal
v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8
The Source of the Bone
The Stormcrag Family Crypt
The Story of Princess Eselde
The Sublime Brazier
The Swallowed City
Tal Marog Ker's Researches
The Taking of Abamath
Temples of the Dragon Cult
The Third Era Timeline
Thirsk, a History - (revised)
Thukhozod's Bracer
Tips for a Khajiit in Summerset
A Time of Troubles
Torc of Baloth Bloodtusk
Torug ag Krazak
Torug at the Summit, Complete Translation
Touching the Sky
Treatise on Ayleidic Cities
The Trials of Hissmir
Trinimac House Idol
The True Fate of King Ranser
The True Nature of Magnar
Urenenya's Lament
Uzdabikh's Helm
Valenwood: A Study
The Values of Haj Uxith
Varen's Wall
The Voice of the People
The War of the First Council
War of Two Houses
Why We Fled
The Wild Elves
The Wolf and the Dragon
The Wolf and the Pirate Queen
The Worthy Ar-Azal, His Deeds
Wuunding and Tumult
Xil-Go's Spell

Humor & Riddles

Instruction & Research

101 Uses for Troll Fat
ABCs for Barbarians
Aberrant Welkynd Stones
An Accounting of the Scrolls
Advances in Lockpicking
Aetherial Fragments
An Affair with Death
The Alchemist's Formulary
Alchemy Practicum
Alchemy: Discovering Traits
All About Echatere
All About Giants
Amethyst Mining in the Alik'r
Amongst the Draugr
The Apprentice's Assistant
Arboreal Architecture
Arcana Restored
An Archer's Archive
Ardent Flame: Draconic or Endemic?
The Argonian Maid—An Oral Tradition
The Argonian Mating Ritual
Argonians Among Us
The Art of Kwama Egg Cooking
The Art and the Madness v.1
The Art of War Magic
Ascendancy: Pathway to Lichdom
Ashlander Wise Women
Atlas of Dragons
Atronach Forge Manual
Aunt Anela's Cookbook
Ayleid Reference Text
Bark and Sap
Beginning Bladecraft: 7 Precepts
The Binding Stone
Bisnensel: Our Ancient Roots
Bloodfiends of Rivenspire
Bolga's Guide to Island Beasts
Bone Orchard Research
Log 1, Log 2, Log 3, Log 4, Log 5
Book of Bloodfiends
1, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4
The Book of Circles
Forging Maxims, Sundas Maxims, Tirdas Maxims, Loredas Maxims
Bowyer and Fletcher
The Bretons: Mongrels or Paragons?
Burning Vestige, Vol. I
The Buying Game
Cadaver Preparation Findings
Calcinator Treatise
The Care and Feeding of Briar Hearts
Care and Feeding of Swamp Jellies
Care of Kwama
Catalogue of Afflictions in the City
Catalogue of Armor Enchantments
Catalogue of Weapon Enchantments
Cats of Skyrim
Ceryolminwe's Translation
Chaurus Pie: A Recipe
Cherim's Heart of Anequina
Clans of the Reach: A Guide
Chaotic Creatia: The Azure Plasm
Cheeses of Tamriel
Civility and Etiquette V. 5: Undead
Civility and Etiquette: Wood Orcs I
Clothier: Light Armor Basics
A Clothier's Primer
Closing the Octal Cage
The Code of Mauloch
The Collected Theory Hypothesis
Common Arms of Valenwood
Corpse Preparation
Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3
Correct Ways of Slaying Ra-Netu: 12
Crafting Motifs
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 29
The Criminal Mind
The Crystal of the Tower
A Culinary Adventure
Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3, Vol 4
Daedra Dossier: Cold-Flame Atronach
Daedra Worship: The Ayleids
Daedra Worship: The Chimer
The Daedric Flame
Dark Ruins
Dark Magic: Three Pretexts
Darkest Darkness
De Rerum Dirennis
Dealing with Werewolves
"Death" of Morphotypical Entities
Destruction or Distraction
The Devouring of Gil-Var-Delle
A Diet of Eyes
Diplomacy during the Handfasting
Discomforts of War
A Distracted Enemy
Dominion Troops General Order 719a
Dragon Language: Myth no More
The Dreamstride
Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Dwemer Dungeons: What I Know
Dwemer Inquiries
Volume I, Volume II, Volume III
Effects of the Elder Scrolls
The Eight Steps of Mummification
An Elytra's Life
Enchanter's Primer
Etiquette With Rulers
Excerpts From Fabricated Flora: A Study
Exegesis of Merid-Nunda
The Fabricated Fauna of Clockwork
The Factotum's Secret Voice
The Faerie
The Falmer: A Study
Famed Artifacts of Tamriel
The Fickle Nature of Mudcrabs
Field Guide to River Trolls
Field Guide to Spriggans
The Firmament
The Flames of the Fetcherfly
Folly in Fixation
Forge, Hammer and Anvil
From Frog to Man
Fundaments of Alchemy
Further Notes on the Sload
Ghosts of Glenumbra
Giants: A Discourse
The Glenmoril Wyrd
The Glint in the Night
Glinting Talons
Glyphs and Enchantment
Gold Coast Goblin Tribes
The Gorge
A Grand Transformation
A Grifter's Apology
Green Pact Bosmer: Observations
Guide to Altmeri Culture (On Dueling)
Guide to Better Thieving
A Guide to Dwemer Mega-Structures
A Guide to Fishing Tamriel
A Guide to Liturgical Vestments
Guide to Taming Dire Wolves
Guylaine's Architecture
Hags, Harpies, and Hagravens
Hanin's Wake
Harvesting Frostbite Spider Venom
Healing Herbs of Northwest Tamriel
Heavy Armor: A Forge-Wife's Advice
Heavy Armor Forging
Heavy Armor Repair
Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim
Herbane's Bestiary
Automatons, Hagravens, Ice Wraiths
A Hero's Weapon
History of Lock Picking
Holidays of the Iliac Bay
The Hope of the Redoran
Horker Attacks
Horrors of the Strid Basin
The Horse-Folk of Silverhoof
How to Win a Fight
The Ice Elder of the Ogres
Immortal Blood
Imperial Report on Saarthal
Inexplicable Patron: Mephala
The Insatiable
Interview with a Spider Cultist
Introduction to Aedric Studies
Introduction to Stagecraft
Jewels of Yokuda
The Judgment of Saint Veloth
Kagouti Mating Habits
Kagrenac's Tools
Keystones of Loriasel
Khajiiti Arms and Armor
Khajiiti Honorifics
Killing - Before You're Killed
Kwama Mining for Fun and Profit
Ladies of Green
Lamias of Craglorn
The Language of Ebon Stadmont
Legions of the Dead
Light Armor Forging
Light Armor Repair
The Lightless Oubliette
Liminal Bridges
List of Instructions
Lithnilian's Research Notes
The Liturgy of Affliction
Living with Lycanthropy
The Living Woods
A Loathsome Civilization
Loriasel Tablet Notes
Mace Etiquette
Magic from the Sky
Malham's Annotated Compendium of Arcane Contrivances of the Second Age, Volume IV
Manual of Armor
Manual of Arms
Manual of Spellcraft
Manual of Xedilian
Masterwork of the Inducer
Mazubar-do's Advice
A Merchant's Guide to Valenwood
Medium Armor: Tannins and Leather
Miregaunts of the Marsh
Mixed Unit Tactics
Mora'at's Theory of Lightning
Moon-Sugar for Glossy Fur? Yes!
Moon-Sugar in the March
Morkuldin Visitor's Observations
Morrowind Fauna, Part One
Murky Time
Mystery of the Chub Loon
The Mystery of Gargoyles—Solved!
Mysteries of the Mundus Stones
Mysticism - Unfathomable Voyage
Mythical Beast, Real Powers
Naril's Note: Simulated Sunlight
Naril's Note: Success Out of Tragedy
Naril's Notes: Early Experiments
Naril's Notes: Origins
Nicolard's Notes on Ruin Origins
Nicolard's Notes on the Forge
Nirncrux: A Study
Nix-Hounds: A Manual for New Owners
Nedes of the Deathlands
No Fuss, No Rush
Nobility in Theft
Nostrum's Notes
Notes on Elven Architecture
Notes on Racial Phylogeny
Notes on Orichalcum
Noxiphilic Sanguivoria
Ogres: A Summary
The Ogres of Wrothgar: A Continuing Treatise
Old Orc Sayings: Shields
On Argonians
On Minotaurs‎
On Necromancy
On Summoning Skeletons
On the Brewing of Dark Meat Beer
On the Detachment of the Sheath
On the Ghost People
On the Knahaten Flu
On the Nature of Reachmen
On Lycanthropy
On the Nature of Coldharbour
On Oblivion
On Stepping Lightly
On the Tel Var Stones
Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
On the Utility of Shock Magic
On the Xivkyn
On Voriplasms
One Staff, Many Staves
The Onus of the Oghma
Orc Clans and Symbology
Orcs of Tamriel, Volume 3
Orcs and Their Tusks
The Origins of Conjuration
Persistence of Daedric Veneration
The Perfect Host
The Philosophy of Stealth
Physicalities of Werewolves
Powering the Dark Anchors
Practical Necromancy
The Predecessors
The Pretension of High Elf Jewelry
Principles of Conjuration
Proper Lock Design
Proper Torture Techniques
Vol. 8, Vol. 13
Protocols of the Court of Contempt
Protocols of Propriety, Order Seven
Reality & Other Falsehoods
The Reality of Spirits
The Red Paint
Redoran Cooking Secrets
The Remnant of Light
Restoring the Welwas
Revolting Life Cycle of the Dreugh
Riekrs of Wrothgar: Observations
Rite of the Scion
Ritual of Resonance
Ritual of Unbinding
Sacred Rites of the Stonechewers
A Sailor's Guide to Sea Elves
The Salas En Expedition
Saints and Seducers
Saving Your Hide
The Scaled Elves
Scaly Steeds of Black Marsh
Schemes of the Reachmage
A Scholar's Guide to Nymphs
Scorpion Observations
The Seasons of Argonia
Senilius' Report
Serpent Hollow Observations
Settling the Debate
Shadow Draining: A Hypothesis
The Sharper Tongue: A Jel Primer
The Shivering Apothecary
The Shivering Bestiary
Skin Blights By Any Other Name
Skyreach Explorer
Volume One, Volume Two, Volume Three, Volume Four, Volume Five, Volume Six
Smithing: A Worthy Endeavor
Sorcery is Not Necromancy!
Soul-Trapping I: An Introduction
Souls, Black and White
The Source of Power
Sovngarde, a Reexamination
Special Flora of Tamriel
Spinning a Story
Spirits of Skyrim
The Sport of Clans
The Standing Stones
Star Teeth, Volume I
Stepping through Shadows
The Strange Case of Ja-Reet
Strange Rituals of the Orsimer
The Strangeness of Dryskins
A Study of Fabricants
Subtropical Cyrodiil: A Speculation
Tamrielic Artifacts
Tamrielic Lore
Teas and Tisanes for Aches and Pains
The Ternion Monks
Thenephan's Mysteries of Mead
There Be Dragons
Thoughts of the Honored Assistant
Tome of Daedric Portals
Tower of Adamant
Tracking the Arena
A Trader's Eye for Fashion
A Treatise on the Knot
Treatise on Metallurgical Anomalies
Tribes of Murkmire
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Triumph of the Sep Adder
Troll Slaying
Troll Socialization Research Notes
The True Nature of Orcs
The Truth of Minotaurs
The Ubiquitous Sinking Isle
Uncommon Taste
Undeniable Truths of Attire
Unhallowed Legions
The Vagaries of Magicka
Vampires and their Hunters
Vampires of the Iliac Bay
Chapter I, Chapter II
Vampires of Vvardenfell
Vol. I, Vol. II
The Vanishing Crux
Varieties of Daedra
The Vile Truth of Barbas
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Visions of the Green Pact Bosmer
Vorgrosh Rot-Tusk's Guide to Dirty Fighting
The Vvardvark Experiment
Vvardenfell Flora and Fauna
War Customs of the Tribal Bosmer
War Weather
The Water Cycle of Clockwork City
Way of the Exposed Palm
Wayshrines of Tamriel
What a Pig Needs
What is Volendrung?
Where Magical Paths Meet
The Witches of Hag Fen
Wind and Sand
The Wispmother
Wood Elf Etiquette: An Imperial Perspective
The Wood Elf Gourmet, Ch. 1
Woodworking For Simpletons
Words and Philosophy
Words and Power
Words of the Masters
The Worth of Glass
Wulfmare's Guide to Better Thieving
Y'ffre's Sparkling Steeds
Zainsubani's Notes

Journals & Logs

Against the Snakes
Agnar's Journal
Akaviri Diary Translation
Amantius Allectus' Diary
Aminyas' Journal
Ancotar's Journal
Argonian Refugee's Diary
Arx Corinium — First Seed Report
Back Home in Orsinium
Barilzar's Journal
Bitter Travels Among the Nixad
The Black Dragon's Journal
The Black Dragon's Journal, Part 2
The Black Forge
The Blade of Woe
The Bleak Veil Endures
A Bloody Journal
The Book of Memories
Brenus Astis' Journal
The Butcher of Bravil
Cap'n Dugal's Journal
The Chim-el Adabal
Chimere's Journal
Cicero's Journal
Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4, Vol. 5
Cindanwe's Notebook
Cohort Briefing: Arenthia
Coming of the Learned One
Confessions of a Skooma-Eater
Curano's Journal
Dar-Ma's Diary
Dark Elves, Dark Hearts
Dark Ministrations
Diary of a Lost Sailor
Diary of Faire Agarwen
Diary of Springheel Jak
The Doors of Oblivion
Dradeiva's Journal
Drakeeh the Unchained's Journal
Page 3, Page 12, Page 17
Dream Journal of Firilanya
A Dream of Sovngarde
Drillk's Journal
Drothan's Field Journal
Drothan's Journal
The Duchess of Anguish
Dwemer Dreams
Elenaire's Journal
Ertival's Recounting
Evaluation of Saint Felms
Evaluation of Saint Llothis
Evaluation of Saint Olms
Experiment Journal
Eyewitness to the Wall
Factotum Classification - Log 233
The Falconer's Log
Flight from the Thalmor
A Fortune Behind Those Walls
From The Memory Stone of Makela Leki
From Wrothgar to Lilmoth: A Smith's Tale
Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3
Frostcrag Spire Memoirs
Galur Rithari's Papers
Gelebourne's Journal
General Malgoth's Journal
Gifts of the Nereids
Greywyn's Journal
Grommok's Journal
Husks and Bones
I was Summoned by a Mortal
Ice Elves: Fact or Fiction?
Imbel Genealogy
The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel
Foreword, Cyrodiil, High Rock, Hammerfell, Bangkorai, Skyrim, Morrowind, Black Marsh, Elsweyr, Summerset Isles, Valenwood, Dreams of Cyrodiil, Afterword
In the Company of Wood Orcs
The Interrogation of Henghild
Investigating Our Allies
Part 1, Part 2
Jomund's Research Notes
Journal of Bravam Lythandas
Journal of Culanwe
Journal of Habbert Unsinett
Journal of the Lord Lovidicus
Journal of Magiul Shiana
Journal of Mirtil Angoth
Journal of Thracius Mento
Journal of Tsona-Ei
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Keeper of Tomes
Kireth's Taarengrav Note
Lady Edwyge's Notes
Lanath's Journal
The Library of Dusk: Rare Books
A Life Barbaric and Brutal
Life in the Eagle's Shadow
A Life of Strife and Struggle
Log of the Emma May
A Looter's Paradise
Lord Kelvyn's Will
Lymdrenn Tenvanni's Journal
Malyn Varen's Grimoire
Manifestos of Kinlord Rilis XII
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Morgaulle Dechery's Journal
Mzulft Researcher's Journal
Naril Nagaia Journal
Marbruk Builder's Log
Narsis Dren and the Cursed Coffin
Nchunak's Fire and Faith
Nirwaen's Diary
Notes on the Order Skeevera
Oath-Bound: An Outlander's Rise Vol. 1
On Extending Existence
Orcs? Could Be Worse
Our Curse and Our Glory
Outsider Observation Report
Log 1, Log 2, Log 3
The Path of Transcendence
A Plea for Vengeance
The Price of Praxis
Proctor Luciana's Journal
Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3, Vol 4
Ramblings of Audens Avidius
Rayno's Scorched Journal
The Red Kitchen Reader
Re-forging the Past
The Red Curse
Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3
Red Rook's Journal
Report: Disaster at Ionith
Rising Threat
Vol. I, Vol. II, Vol. III, Vol. IV
Rivers of Profit in Riften
The Rotwood Enigma
Ruined Watchmaster's Journal
Ruins of Kemel-Ze
Sacred Places
Sacred Witness
Sanctioned Murder
Sanavar's Research Notes
Sanctioned Murder
Saradin's Diary
Second Invasion: Reports
Sinderion's Field Journal
Sir Amiel's Journal
Sirdor's Journal
Skorm Snow-Strider's Journal
Slave's Diary
Starlover's Log
Suril's Journal
Tancano the Elder's Journal
Testimonials on Baar Dau
Testimonials on Mushroom Towers
Tharayya's Journal
1, 2, 7, 10, 15, 16, 19
Touch of the Worm's Tongue
Traelius' Journal
Traitor's Diary
Twin Secrets
Ulf's Torn Journal
The Unbreakable Redguard
The Unholy Temple
Unexpected Allies
Uryaamo's Journal
Valasha's Journal
Venarus Vulpin's Journal
Venarus Vulpin's Research
Virmaril's Journal
Wait Till Next Time
The Waiting Door
Watcher of Stones
Watcher Shavmar's Journal
The Wolf in the Sky
Worship in Fanacas
Waterlogged Journal
The Wedding Feast: A Memoir
A Werewolf's Confession
Why We Farm
You Are What You Eat

Notes & Letters

Admonition Against Ebony
Altars of Bone
A Bound Dremora
A Brother's Plea
A Call for Common Hair
Caluurion's Notes
Cantillon's Correspondence
Charwich-Koniinge Letters
Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
Crimes of the Daggerfall Covenant
Dead Sword-Disciple's Note
Dragon Skull Parchment
Egg Mines and You!
Elante's Notes
Elven Eyes, Elven Spies
Eyes of Nothing
Fang of the Sea Vipers
A Game at Dinner
Gathiel's Astrology Chart
Gold Coast Notables
Guild Memo on Soul Trapping
Hlaalu Construction Syndic
Hlaalu Letter of Complaint
House Ravenwatch Proclamation
Imperial Architect's Correspondence
Imperial Incursions: Officer's Lament
Imperial Incursions: Why a Swamp?
Inveigling the Clockwork Apostles
King Ranser's Tirade
King Kurog's Promise
King Maxevian's Orders
Knights of the Gleaming Blade
Kurog's Betrayal
Legend of the Yokudan Chargers
Legion Officer's Notebook
Letter Home
Letter to the Grand Marshall of the Imperial Legion
Letter to King Maxevian
Letter to Septimius
The Llodos Plague
Macabre Manifest
Mastery of Devotion
Mastery of Discipline
Mastery of Sacrifice
Mastery of Wisdom
The Memories of Sotha Sil
Minutes of the Elder Council
Motalion Necropolis Report
Mottos of the Dunmeri Great Houses
The Mystery of Factotums
A New Recipe?
Nilata Search Plan
The Nirnoot Missive
Notes on Klathzgar's Schematics
Notes on Razak
Notes For Redguard History
Notes on the Dreugh
Notes on the Mortuum Vivicus
On the Great Collapse
Orcs: The Vermin Among Us
Orders from a Knightly Order
A Petition for the Mighty Nix-Ox
Prince Aiden's Report
Princess Urenenya's Letter
Regarding the Ebonheart Pact
Regarding the "Fists of Thalmor"
A Request for Relief
Return to Orsinium
Sacrilege and Mayhem in the Alik'r
Shad Astula Academy Handbook
A Sister's Regret
A Sister's Retort
A Sky of Dusk
The Slave Pits of Coldharbour
Sunk into Ouze
Targa's Note
Tempest Island Briefing
Thalmor Handbill
To All Who Pass Through
The Warp in the West
Watcher's Report
Welcome to New Aldmeri Irregulars
The Werewolf's Hide
Where Were You When the Dragon Broke?
The Windhelm Letters
Yours for the Taking!
The Way of Shadow

Plaques, Monuments and Inscriptions

Politics & Law

Religion, Myth & Prophecy

16 Accords of Madness
The 36 Lessons of Vivec
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
The Adabal-a
Aedra and Daedra
Alduin is Real
The Alduin/Akatosh Dichotomy
The Anticipations
The Annotated Anuad
Apocrypha, Apocrypha
The Apprentices' God
Arkay the Enemy
Ark'ay, the God of Birth and Death
Aspects of Lord Hircine
Aura of the Righteous
Aurbic Enigma 4: The Elden Tree
Bible of the Deep Ones
The Blessings of Hircine
The Blessings of Sheogorath
Boethiah and Her Avatars
Boethiah's Glory
Boethiah's Proving
Bones of the Forest
The Book of Daedra
The Book of Dawn and Dusk
Book of Life and Service
Book of Rest and Endings
The Book of the Dragonborn
The Book of the Great Tree
Call to the Faithful
The Cantatas of Vivec
The Changed Ones
Children of the Root
Coils of the Father
The Coiled Path
The Consecrations of Arkay
The Consolations of Prayer
Crow's Spell of Binding
Defaced Nedic Prayer Book
Divining the Elder Scolls
The Doors of the Spirit
The Dragon War
Dream of a Thousand Dreamers
Dreamers Our Time Has Come
The Ebon Arm
The Eldest: A Pilgrim's Tale
End of the Journey
The Everscriven Tome
Exodus from Summerset
The Fall of Trinimac
The First Scroll of Baan Dar
The Five Points of the Star
Forged in the Heart of Mundus
The Four Abominations
Fragmentae Abyssum Hermaeus Morus
The Friend of All Mortals
The Gifts of Magnus
Glorious Upheaval
Goddess of Storm, Mother of Nords
The Heart of Love
Heretical Thoughts
Homilies of Blessed Almalexia
The House of Troubles
How the Yokudans Chased the Stars
The Hunger of Sep
Invocation of Azura: DF, MW, SR, ON
The Illusion of Death
In Accord With Those Sun-Blessed
In Dreams We Awaken
Invocation of Hircine
Ius, Animal God
Knowing Satakal
Ku-Vastei: The Needed Change
Lakewatch Tower
The Last Wish of the Sun-Blessed
The Legend of Fallen Grotto
Legend of the Ghost Snake
Legend of Haman Forgefire
The Legend of Red Eagle
Legend of Thane Icehammer
The Legend of Vastarie
Lens of the Golden Eye
Litter-Mates of Darkness
Lives of the Saints
The Living Gods
Lost Legends
The Lost Prophecy
The Lunar Lorkhan
Lycanthropic Legends of Skyrim
Malacath and Trinimac
The Manifesto of Make Way
Mauloch, Orc-Father
Modern Heretics
The Monomyth
The Moon Cats and their Dance
Moon Worship among the Cat-Men
Mystic Visions of the Guardians
Mythic Dawn Commentaries
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Myths and Legends of the Hist
Myths of Sheogorath
Nerevar Moon-and-Star
Nightingales: Fact or Fiction?
Nine Commands of the Eight Divines
Of the Dragonfires (Fragment)
Of Jephre
The Old Ways: DF, MW, OB, SR, ON
The Omen of Deception
On Orcs and the Afterlife
The Ooze: A Fable
Opusculus Lamae Bal ta Mezzamortie
Overview of Gods and Worship
Path of the Faithful
The Pilgrim's Path
Plea for Open Eyes
The Posting of the Hunt
The Prayers of Baranat
Prayer to Hircine
Prayer to My Prince
A Prayer to the Serpent
Prayer of the Resolute
Precepts of Stendarr
The Prophet Arden-Sul
Rajhin and the Stone Maiden
Pt. 1, Pt. 2
Reflections on Cult Worship
The Requisite Book of Daedra
Rituals of the Harmonious Masters
The Road to Sovngarde
Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls
Saryoni's Sermons
The Scroll of Avalian
The Scroll of Usunok
The Scroll of Vaia
Secrets Overheard in Apocrypha
Sentinel, the Jewel of Alik'r
The Seven Shadows of Rajhin, Pt. 1
Shezarr and the Divines
Songs of the Return
Vol 2, Vol 5, Vol 7, Vol 19, Vol 24, Vol 27, Vol 49, Vol 56
The Sounding Horn
The Spawn of Molag Bal
Spirit of Nirn, God of Mortals
Spirit of the Daedra
The Seven Curses
Stendarr's Divine Spear
The Story of Aevar Stone-Singer
Stonefire Ritual Tome
The Stranger
A Tale of Baar Dau
Tears of Anurraame
The Ten Commands of the Nine Divines
The Thief God's Treasures
To Dream Beyond Dreams
The Totems of Hircine
Trail and Tide
Trials of St. Alessia
The True-Told Tale of Hallin
Pt. 1, Pt. 2
The Truth in Sequence
Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8, Volume 9, Volume 10, Volume 11, Volume 12
Tu'whacca, Arkay, Xarxes
Twilight Rites and Hymns
Understanding the Living Gods
The Unseen Potential of Clockwork
Valenwood Hounds
Varieties of Faith in the Empire
Varieties of Faith in Tamriel
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
The Viridian Sentinel
Vivec and Mephala
The Warrior's Blade
The Waters of Oblivion
The Whithering of Delodiil
When We Pass
The Will of Drulshasa
Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi
Worship of the Dragon God
Worshiping the Illogical
Yngol and the Sea-Ghosts

Songs, Poetry, & Plays

Acts of Honoring
The Amronal's Spell
Ashland Hymns
Ballad of Dorzogg the Gutter-King
Ballad of Dranoth Hleran
The Ballad of Navid the Singer
The Ballad of Skald Skullsplitter
The Balladeer's Fakebook
The Battle of the Ale
The Battle of Glenumbria Moors
The Battle of Molag Beran
Betnikh Limerikh
The Betrayed
Blessed, Blessed Satakalaam
Blood for Our Enemies
Brave Little Scrib Song
Brave Sir Cadwell
The Bright Blade of Captain Castatil: Scene VI
Cadwell's Personal Anthem
The Call Beyond
Charge of the Welkynar
A Child's Tamriel Bestiary
Chim-el Adabal: A Ballad
The Cliff-Strider Song
Clockwork Apostle Poetry Collective
The Coldharbour Compact
Damp Page
Darkest Divinities
Death Blow of Abernanit
The Deepest Cut
Destroyer's Rest
Dry Page
Elders of Bramblebreach
Epode of the Ansei Wards
An Excerpt from the Book of Seasons
Fair Argonian Maiden
The Fall of Queen Nurnhilde
The Father's Promise
The Five Far Stars
Five Songs of King Wulfharth
Flesh to Cut from Bone
The Folly of Isolation
Part 1, Part 3, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Final
Folly of Man
Fools' Ebony
Oneth, Twoeth, Threeth
Fourth, Fiveth, Sixth
A Forebear Warrior's Song
Four Coins of Yore
The Four Totems of Volskygge
Geirmund's Oath
Glorious Balamath
A Gold Coast Children's Bestiary
Goodnight Mundus
The Great Siege of Orsinium
Green Lady, My Lady
Hidden Tears
History of the Handfast
Honor's Rest Monument Stone
The Horror of Castle Xyr
How the Kwama Lost His Shoes
Hymn to Kyne
A Hypothetical Treachery
I'm My Own Grandpa
King Farangel's Beer Ballad
King Farangel's Ode to Wayrest
King Olaf's Verse
The King of Vipers, Canto 17
Kyne's Tears
Lady Murcien's Folly
Lamentations of the Lost
The Lay of Firsthold
Legend of Krately House
A Less Rude Song
Lies of the Dread Father
Lord Jornibret's Last Dance
The Lost Islands of Old Yokuda
Love's Eternal Flame
Love Poem
Love Poem LT0782
The Lusty Argonian Footman, Volume 1
The Lusty Argonian Maid
Volume 1, Volume 2
The Lusty Argonian Maid, A Song
Mannimarco, King of Worms
Mantra of Expulsion
Matthild Built This Place
Mark of Egg-Births
Mead, Mead, Mead!
Mean Old Torchbug
The Miner's Lament
The Minotaur Song
A Mother's Nursery Rhyme
The Nereid's Dilemma
A Nereid Stole My Husband
Netches! Netches! All Around!
Nursery Rhymes of Summerset
Oath of a Dishonored Clan
Ode to Auridon
Ode to a Brass Lily
Ode to My Jade Princess
Ode to Oinkers
Ode to the Elden Tree
An Ode to the Red Bird
Ode To The Tundrastriders
Of Men and Mer
On Apocrypha
On the Beauty of Ogres
On the Immortality of Dust
One Wilding Night
The Orc Song
The Peasant Princess, A Play in One Act
Pirate King of the Abecean
Power of the Elements
Praise Be
Proper-Life: Three Chants
The Quiet Room
The Ravings of Fenroy
Red Mountain Drinking Song
Rhymes and Chimes
The Rite of Boethiah's Gauntlet
Ruddy Man Rhyme
Rude Song
Sayings of the Wise
Scales of Shadow
A Shallow Pool
Sky and Storm
To Smite with Dragon Claws
Something's in the Attic
Song of Despair
Song of Hrormir
Song of the Alchemists
Song of the Askelde Men
Song of the Diamond Sword
Song of the Prowler
Song of the Spirits
Songs of Skyrim
Songs of Vvardenfell
Speakers of Nothing
Stagger and Sway
The Sultry Argonian Bard
Tale of Two Moons
The Sea It Rises
A Shallow Pool
That of Void
The Star-Eyed Bride of Alinor
The Summoner
The Tale of Syrabane
Tu'whacca's Prayer
Those Who Stood at Chalman Keep
Truths of the North
Uela's Song
Verses of the Illuminated
The Wandering Skald
The Warrior's Charge
Wergital the Wolf-Boy
The Wilderking Legend
When I Will Come A-Courtin'
The Whisperer's Song
Verse 1, Verse 2, Verse 3
Words of the Wind
Worm Saga
Wyresses: The Name-Daughters


The Alik'r
An Almanac of Betony
Ancestors and the Dunmer
Auridon Explored
Children of the All-Maker
Children of the Sky
The City of Stone
The Dominion's Duty: Marbruk
An Explorer's Guide to Skyrim
The Flourishing of Elinhir
The Fort Sphinxmoth Ruins
The Founding of Bloodtoil
The Founding of Southpoint
The Founding of Zuuk
A Gentleman's Guide to Whiterun
Glenumbra's People
Glenumbra's Towns and Cities
Gold Coast Guide
Part One, Part Two
Guide to Ald'ruhn
Guide to Anvil
Guide to Balmora
Guide to Bravil
Guide to Bruma
Guide to Cheydinhal
Guide to Chorrol
Guide to the Imperial City
Guide to Leyawiin
Guide to New Sheoth
Guide to Sadrith Mora
Guide to Skingrad
Guide to Vivec
Guide to Vvardenfell
Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale
The Heartland of Cyrodiil
The Holds of Skyrim
Maormer Correspondence
Vol. 1, Vol. 2
The March Explored
The Mystery of Artaeum
Mysterious Akavir
On the Clockwork City
An Orc's Guide to Tamriel
Our Blessed Isles: A Guide
A Pocket Guide to Mournhold
Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition
Prologue, Invocation, Preface, Skyrim, Cyrodiil, High Rock, Hammerfell, Aldmeri Dominion, The Elsweyr Confederacy, Morrowind, The Wild Region
Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition
Foreword, Arena Supermundus, Eras of Man, Cyrodiil, Skyrim, Morrowind, High Rock, Hammerfell, Elsweyr, Summerset, Valenwood, Argonia, Orsinium, Other Lands
Provinces of Tamriel
Realms of the Clockwork City: The Radius
Rilaso's Guide to Tamriel, Ch. 21
The Rise of Cormount
Secrets of Treehenge
Stormhold, City of Shadowfen
The Strange Case of Ragnthar
Summerset Isles: A Visitor's Guide
Tanglehaven's Fletchers
Thibaut's Cairn and its History
Valenwood: A Study
Walking the World, Vol XI
Wayrest, Jewel of the Bay: DF, ON
Wayrest Sewers: A Short History
Wet Wilds of Black Marsh
Woodhearth: A Pocket Guide